28 April 2008


Monthly period is one of the things that I dread and pray to miss but it really comes regularly. So when I got pregnant, I was ecstatic because it would save me 9 full months of menstrual cramps. But my ecstasy was cut short because after only three months of missed periods, I had them coming again. Less regularly this time but equally painful and dreadful.

I completely stopped taking medications because I developed dependency and tolerance. At first, one pill could kill the pain. After 6 months, I had to double my dosage because one pill isn't effective anymore. And half a year after, I needed three pills to achieve a pain-free day. And then, it started to become scary. I am becoming dependent to it. So I decided to tolerate the pain as much as I could and resort to home remedies like hot compress and no-salt diet. It worked for a while but then the pain grew more and more intense.

Now, in the middle of the class, I felt intensity 10 of that pain. So I decided to give in. Just one pill... I need it to be able to concentrate on my class...

And, viola! The pain was gone. I was able to go on with my ADL's like it was an ordinary day. No first days were! Hehe... Now, my only worry is that I might become dependent to these painkillers again. Addict! Whoah!


Anonymous said...

ouch! i feel blessed because never in my entire womanhood have i experienced such pain on monthly periods. isn't that kinda scary? i think you should have an obgyn check your reproductive system.

BelleWitch said...

Yes, it sounds really scary esp to those peepz who have no idea about dysmenorrhea. I have consulted many medical books and have even discussed it with my OBGyn in the past. There's nothing to be alarmed about, Maui. It's just a primary dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) because I have it only on the first day. One reason, among others, is hormonal imbalance. One remedy is a hormonal pill but I totally dismissed the idea. I have this great fear that hormonal pills can be carcinogenic (can cause cancer). They say that the pain would lessen after the delivery of your first baby. To some lucky mothers, the pain is just totally gone.