Got home at 12 midnight of Friday (technically, Saturday). But I was able to sleep at 2am because our neighbor had a drinking party. I could hear the noise of the drunkards from our bedroom. Luckily, it rained at 2am, so the noisy drunkards had no choice but to call it a night. I woke up at 6am. With barely 4 hours of sleep, I took a shower. It was cold and I was groggy but I kept of thinking I was doing it for my niece. I am attending a Parent-Teacher's Conference at her school since I stand as her guardian while her parents are abroad.
I didn't know I had to wear a green shirt. So, I was the only one in pink in the Kindergarten group. How's that for starters? I thought I'd have a lousy time at the conference but it turned out fun! The directress of the school prepared some games -- mind ticklers, my favorite -- after the presentation of expectations by the parents. And the parents were really friendly and nice and in no time, camaraderie among the group became very evident.
I kinda like the atmosphere at Vanessa's school. Hmmm, How I wish I was attending my own daughter's PTC... After a simple snack at 11am, the conference ended.

I went back to the condo and invited Vince and Vanessa out. We went to Storyland of Southmall. We've brought Vanessa there. So I'm guessing Vince would also like to try it. I guessed it right. Vince radiated with glee when we entered Storyland. I let him and Vanessa ride the roller coaster together. I told him to take care of his sister. And he did. ^-^ I was so happy!
We left the mall at 5pm because Vince had an appointment with the dentist. Mhark and I headed back to our place to see the movie Hancock. What a nice movie! I liked it!
Eventhough I lacked sleep, I was alert the whole time. We went home at 9pm. We had dinner and we went to bed right after.
The next day, Mhark woke me up at 7:30am because we had to buy food at the market. We prepared breakfast together (ginisang taugi), ate it and then, he let me go back to sleep because I was really sleepy. I woke up at 2pm. I prepared lunch for him and then, I cleaned my nails and applied nail polish on them. Right after, I cleaned the house. Not thoroughly, though. I will remember next time to do the cleaning right before having my nail polish on. ^-^
Then, we attended a mass. The priest's sermon was about "thanking and thinking". Hmm, I kinda realized I wasn't giving a lot to others. This should change.
Then, we just bought ice cream and used it as a spread of a tasty bread. Yummy! I didn't like the idea of eating ice cream with bread but when Mhark let me try it, it simply tasted delicious!
Then, I checked my e-mails, my friendster accounts and my blogsites. I wasn't decided yet what to write or update but it took me 3 hours just browsing around... So I slept at 2am. That's why I woke up late today...